Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ok, so maybe two posts a week . . .

is something I've not been keeping up. I can try harder. I just have so many projects in the works, but who doesn't.

I have an update on the pmc pendants!! I tried out my itty bitty kiln and, at first, I thought I was going to burn the house down. It does say a small flame goes off when the binder is being burned off. I would say it was slightly bigger than "small". After a few seconds and some heart palpitations, it was fine and was just glowing nicely. I am just so fearful of flame!

Now, I have two awesome pendants. I still need to tumble and oxidize before they go into the shop. I'm actually waiting on CoolTools to restock their tumbler and shot so I can order. One step at a time, one purchase at a time, but I'm getting there.

Uh, no pictures with this post. I know, that's no fun, but I will have something for the next one.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm restless

I love to paint and draw, but sometimes I yearn to work in 3d. I'd like to create something that is practical and have it be part of the business. So, to me, practical and 3d = jewelry. I've been thinking about it more and more lately. I'm also inspired by the fact that my late grandfather was a metalsmith.

I've had two PMC pendants that I've been working on slowly for the past few months. Yah, very slow. I try to fit working on them in between everything else. Hopefully, I can finish them in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I finished another floral bird piece. I really love how this turned out and the glowy elements in it.

Whatcha think?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So far this week

We're going to have another melt me into oblivion week. My husband argues that winters are bad in CT because you have to stay cooped up in a house. Well, deary, it's not much different in the south during the summer. There's no snow to plow through, but it's not like I enjoy being cooped up with air conditioning going nonstop because it's 90+ outside. So there. Can you tell I'm homesick?

So, onto a more cheery topic. The family and I took a trip to the aquarium. The babe wasn't too much into it, but I took this picture of a jellyfish. The designs in nature never stop amazing me.

So, the most exciting news for me this week is that another fellow Etsian and artist is featuring me on her blog!

I was so surprised and flattered. You never really know what someone thinks when they're buying one of your works, so it was soo wonderful to see it in writing - thanks Mrs.Dragon!

Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm Back!

Whoa. It's been a while since I last posted, but at least I've spent some time updating the look of the blog.

I'm going to aim for a couple of posts a week. It's hard finding time when most of the day is spent on household things, working on the shop, and chasing this.

I think I hear squealing. . .will continue later.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hello Blog

Well, I've finally decided to start a blog. It feels a little like walking onto the beach with a bikini when you haven't worn a bathing suit in a while. eep.

Who am I? I'm a designer, artist, artisan, and crafter. I would like to say I'm just a _____ , but I realize, like many creative people, the potential for creativity is everywhere and in all materials and so I can't say I am focused on just one thing or even one style. I keep wondering if that's a bad thing because focus is a good thing. hmm.

Anyhow, right now, I am mostly painting and drawing in a more illustrative style that tends to be light and whimsical. It can be viewed here:

I do like whimsy, but also create work that has a different feel. I painted an abstract piece the other day, but haven't decided on whether to list it. It is different from the other pieces and I have been mulling over the idea of opening a new shop for my more "serious" work.

That brings to mind an incident in college. I was once chastised for drawing something that wasn't considered "fine artish" in print class. Hah! I'm still creating work they wouldn't display in a gallery. That's fine with me. My work still makes people happy - or so I've been told.

